Did you know all Almeida Junior malls have a “Family Area”?

All Almeida Junior malls believe in promoting the well-being and comfort of their visitors. Amongst the areas available in the 6 malls that are part of our chain, we highlight the “Family Area”: it is indeed special because it has that touch of home warmth. It contains baby changing stations, an area for feeding babies and infants, a family restroom, as well as a toy library and a resting area.


The main goal of those areas is to meet the needs of the families, especially those with small children that require diaper changing or a place to breastfeed or to heat up baby food. For your convenience, those environments were carefully designed, with attention to each detail, including lighting and ambiance (with pleasant colors). Some restrooms are exclusively for disabled people and others are specially designed for children (with children dimensions).



For women carrying infants, our infrastructure is ideal: it gives them comfort and tranquility while breastfeeding. There are individual cabins with armchairs to provide privacy at this precious moment. For bigger children, there are special children chairs for eating. And there are also baby changing stations with individual baby changing tables and extra sinks for hygiene.


We did not forget other accompanying members of the family or friends, who can enjoy our resting areas while the children play in the toys library which provide children tables and chairs so that they can read books, play and color.


Garten Shopping mall celebrates the 169th anniversary of the city of Joinville

The largest city in the State of Santa Catarina (Brazil), Joinville, is known for being an inspiring and passionate place. It will turn 169 years old the next March 15th. To celebrate the city, Garten Shopping is anticipating the festivities, with attractions for costumers and the community at large which begin on the weekend of March 7th and 8th. On Saturday, the 7th, from 3pm to 6pm, visitors to the mall will be surprised by the presence of princes as well as princesses who will be there to take pictures with the children.


On Sunday, the 8th, the musical spectacle “Beauty’s Sweet Emotions” tells the tale of a peasant girl who loved storytelling. This show brings songs that will be familiar to the whole family and it is sure to be a good time for all ages. The attraction will take all spectators to a magic world of fantasy. At the end of the spectacle, the characters will be available to take pictures with the public.


Giant toys which made an impression on generations of kids come to the Nações Shopping mall

How about entering a time machine into the days of some classic toys – from the old times when there was no such technology as today’s computers, tablets and smart phones? The younger generation may find it hard to even imagine a time when such things were not there. But some of us have lived those days – and those who did so had a lot of fun. The interactive exhibition Brinquedoteka (“Toy Library”) arrives at the Nações Shopping this Saturday, the 14th and it gathers the funniest toys of all times.


This attraction will bring classic games and toys from the eighties and nineties such as Genius, Aquaplay, Tabletop Football, Cai-não-Cai (“To fall or not to fall”) and Pop-Up Pirate, as well as Lego, Tetris and many others who were big hits back then and made an impression on generations of kids. There is a twist, though: all of those toys will be displayed in giant size.


The “Big Toys” were specially designed to work just like their original versions and thus ensure everyone has a good time. The plan is to make parents go back to their childhood times and also to show their children a good time. The experience of playing “outside of a screen” turns nostalgia into a leisure time for children and young people of today’s generation.