Almeida Junior’s CEO is elected entrepreneur of the year

Almeida Junior’s CEO, Jaimes Almeida Junior, was elected Entrepreneur of the Year by the LIDE SC (Entrepreneurial Leaders’ Group of Santa Catarina). The award happened on yesterday’s night (28th) during the awarding ceremony of the Prêmio Líderes de Santa Catarina 2019 (Santa Catarina Leaders Prize 2019). The founder of the greatest shopping mall chain from Southern Brazil competed in the Entrepreneur of The Year category, along with two more businessmen, Luciano Hang, from Havan, and Rafael Kuerten, president of the Grupo Guga Kuerten (Guga Kuerten Group).

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In his speech after receiving the prize, Jaimes Almeida Junior thanked for the acknowledgement of the business community and emphasized Santa Catarina as a distinct state. “Homages like this one stimulate us to focus and to invest even more in our State”, he said.

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The founder of Almeida Junior also left a message for the entrepreneurs in this new moment for Brazil. “Take the advantage to surf the Catarinense wave. I have no doubts about our privilege to be here, sharing this small piece of paradise in Brazil”, he affirmed.

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Almeida Junior’s CEO is a finalist in the Líderes SC Prize

Jaimes Almeida Junior, Almeida Junior’s CEO, is a finalist to the Prêmio Líderes Santa Catarina 2019 (Santa Catarina Leaders’ Prize 2019) – in the Entrepreneur of the Year category. Promoted by the Grupo de Líderes de Santa Catarina (Santa Catarina’s Group of Leaders) – LIDE SC, the prize is an award to the Catarinense entrepreneurs that distinguished themselves in the market with innovation and entrepreneurship. The finalists were nominated by journalists, opinion formers and affiliates of the LIDE throughout the State, by means of online voting.

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The intent is to acknowledge the ones that have a strong operation and that represent the Catarinense enterprising spirit. “In the course of 2019, we made a series of debates and events with the purpose of fostering the entrepreneurial scene. Now, with the Prêmio Líderes, we highlight those who had the greatest success in this journey. This is the fourth edition of the prize that is already one of the most important distinctions to the entrepreneurial class of Santa Catarina”, points out Wilfredo Gomes, president of the LIDE Santa Catarina.

In this year, winners will be selected in the following categories: agribusiness, industry, services, technology, tourism, retail and entrepreneur of the year. Online voting can be made via this link: Winners will be known in November 28th.