ALMEIDA JUNIOR celebrates its 40 years today

Almeida Junior, which holds a 71% market share of Santa Catarina’s shopping mall market, celebrates (01.10) 40 years of foundation today and announces a new investment cycle.

shoppings almeida junior

The company, founded by businessman Jaimes Almeida Junior, has six ventures in the state: Neumarkt and Norte Shopping, in Blumenau; Balneário Shopping, in Balneário Camboriú; Garten Shopping in Joinville; Continente Shopping, in Greater Florianópolis and Nações Shopping, in Criciúma. By 2020, Almeida Junior will begin the expansion of Balneário Shopping, expanding the area by an additional 12,000 square meters of GLA (Gross Leasable Area) and the expansion and revitalization of the facade of Neumarkt.

Neumarkt - externo (1)

Founded in Blumenau on January 10, 1980, the company opened its first mall, Neumarkt, in 1993. The most recent one, opened in 2016, is Nações Shopping. “We chose to focus our investments in Santa Catarina, a state with the best socioeconomic indicators in Brazil,” says the CEO. The strategy of investing exclusively in Santa Catarina has made Almeida Junior the market leader in the southern region of Brazil, with malls in the most important regions of the state.


Consumer focus

Since the opening of its first mall, the company has always focused on customer experience, investing in projects with unique projects, customer service, and facilities.

Almeida Junior stands out in the market for employing innovative technologies, such as its application, which shows promotions and allows the user to make reservations for products instantly. The company also innovated by creating its own innovation and experimentation lab, AJ Labs.

celular app

For 2020, Almeida Junior is very optimistic about the good economic performance and already starts the year with a new and strong growth cycle. “We live in a New Brazil that brings a real disruption to economic aspects – inflation, interest rates, and reforms – fundamental structural aspects for the country’s growth”, concludes businessman Jaimes Almeida Junior.

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