LIDE highlights the power and strength of women

The event was held at the Garten Shopping Mall and brought together business leaders

All women are able to occupy the spaces they want. This was the lesson left this morning during LIDE Mulher. Garten Shopping was the stage for the event, which was attended by around 150 leaders from Joinville and the region. LIDE Santa Catarina is the largest group of business leaders in the country and can be considered the largest ecosystem of networking, impact, reputation and business.

At the opening of the event, the president of LIDE Santa Catarina, Delton Batista explained that the idea of LIDE Mulher is to collaborate with society. “We want to create conditions for organizations to provide equal opportunities, thus having the ability to praise the position of women”, he declared. The president of LIDE Mulher, Carolina Linhares, added that the event is an opportunity to generate content, networking and business and that “it is time for women to stop believing that they are not capable of leading”.  

With the theme Elas por Elas [She for her, in free translation], the speakers moved the audience by reporting their paths. Civil Police delegate Tania Harada talked about the beginning of her career and the challenges she had to face in the police world where most of them are men. She reported that only with a lot of stubbornness and courage she managed to conquer and occupy the most important position in the Civil Police of Joinville. “The space is available and we need to take our place,” said the former regional delegate from the largest city in the state.

The courage, resilience and determination since childhood made journalist Rejane Gambin accept the challenge of occupying the position of deputy mayor of Joinville. Very moved, she recalled her trajectory and said that her family’s support has been essential for her to be able to make a difference in politics every day. “Despite all the heavy load we women face every day, we need to follow our purpose. We know that every choice represents a renunciation. But it is very good to be able to serve our city with all the care and affection”, declared Rejane Gambin.

The CEO of Café Cultura, Luciana Melo, spoke about the entrepreneurship and the support she received from the Almeida Junior Group at the beginning of her trajectory. She also told how she faced the challenges of the market, the pandemic and became the largest chain of coffee shops in the South of Brazil, being recognized as one of the best franchises in the country in 2021 by the magazine Pequenas Empresas Grandes Negócios. “Our pillars are origin, quality, passion and reputation. We want to sell experience, because coffee is a place for meetings”, recalled the businesswoman.

In 2022, LIDE reaches Year 10 and that is why it will connect leaders and promote entrepreneurship in Santa Catarina with the events that will be held at Almeida Junior malls, which are in the main cities of the state. “This event shows us the importance of the union of men and women in leadership, exchanging and understanding the pains and joys of each one. She for her. All for all. It was inspiring!”, concludes Monique Campos, Marketing and Relationship Director at Almeida Junior.

New technologies for retail are presented at LIDE TALKS, held in Continente Shopping

The event relied on the participation of startups from Acate’s Vertical Varejo, sponsored by Almeida Junior group


Digital menus, virtual stores and marketplaces, big data, customer experience and strategic design. The technology future oriented to retail promotion was the theme of the entrepreneurs meeting at LIDE TALKS this Friday, 04/01, at Continente Shopping, a unit of the Almeida Junior group in Greater Florianópolis. The moment also had national speakers, who talked about topics related to the digital world innovation.

The event was promoted by LIDE – Group of Business Leaders and relied on a startups presentation from Acate’s Vertical Varejo (Santa Catarina Technology Association), sponsored by the Almeida Junior group. Constituted in 2019, the idea is to bring retailers closer, startups and large technology companies to accelerate the sector digitization, uniting retail with technology companies and creating market opportunities.

Six startups presented solutions in the meeting. Notato brought solutions for digital menus, DevPlans brought softwares for virtual stores and marketplaces, Stefanini Groups brought digital solutions to supervise all sales cycle, Bix presented initiatives involving big data and data analysis, Alana, marketing and customer experience strategies and Multiplana demonstrated services in strategic business management and strategic design.

Innovation with purpose


Exemples of innovation success that are already a success around the world opened this Friday’s meeting. Leandro Mattos, CEO at Cognisigns, world top five healthtech, headquartered in Abu Dhabi, talked about innovation for the new Economy and Victor Gonçalves, CDO at Verity discussed strategies to accelerate companies in the digital world.

Cognisigns was founded in Santa Catarina, works in the mental health segment and has developed technology to accelerate and democratize access to autism diagnosis. Leandro Mattos defined an innovation hub as “a group with lots of people who believe they can change the world”. And he advocated for the importance of a massive transformative purpose to mobilize people beyond corporate gates. “Only the purpose won’t be enough, but many times, that’s the difference between a startup that will succeed from the one that won’t. The purpose can also grow exponentially.”

Victor Gonçalves from Verify, talked about the challenge to create a value focused on the customer, investigating what do they need and what do they want. “In the digital world, the main mission of a company is to create a customer. To find, educate and enchant,” he said. The digital market specialist highlighted the speed on business transformations and advocated that it is good to be a large company, but small and medium-sized companies are able to change ways faster. “It’s expensive to change, but denying costs everything”, he concluded.

Sales rates in Almeida Junior malls have strong growth over pre-pandemic period

Result is driven by the dominance of the chain’s units in Santa Catarina


In the year 2021 there was growth for the six malls of the Almeida Junior group. Compared to 2020, the sales increased by 33,8%. Sales in the last three months of 2021 recorded a historic quarterly record for the company, with an increase of 24.0% over the same period in 2020 and 11.9% over 2019. “Such growth is very important to register the exceptional performance of our malls compared to the pre-pandemic period. In general, the sector expects this recovery in 2022, but we are one year ahead of time, which also proves the dominance of our assets and assertiveness in the growth strategy focused on Santa Catarina, the Switzerland of the South, with 71% of market share in the sector,” explains Jaimes Almeida Junior, Almeida Junior founder and CEO.

Almeida Junior shows a significant growth in the sector’s main metrics as well, operating even at better levels than the same pre-pandemic period. SSR (Same Store Rent) showed a growth in 2021 of 21.9%, when compared to 2019. Compared to 2020, there was an increase of 33.2%. The positive performance of rents is the result of factors such as the acceleration of the IGPM in the period, a substantial decrease in discounts granted, and a better qualification of the mix. The CEO points out that, even with the readjustment, Almeida Junior’s malls have the lowest occupancy cost for store owners among publicly traded companies, closing at 10.2% in 2021. Same Store Sales (SSS), on the other hand, grew by 29.9% in 2021 compared to 2020. Almeida Junior ended 2021 with a 94.5% occupancy rate, with a quality tenant mix higher than the pre-pandemic period.

The good results were recorded in all six units of the group, which brought novelties in the mix of their operations throughout the year. “All these movements prove the differential of the developments, as well as since the second quarter of 2021, we have observed a material growth in tenant flow and sales. Almeida Junior has shown enormous resilience during the pandemic with its financial results, which leads us to feel extremely positive about 2022 and the future of the company,” adds Jaimes Almeida Junior.

Almeida Junior has 225 thousand square meters of GLA (Gross Leasable Area) and has a “brownfield” growth strategy for its six shopping centers, with the potential to increase its current GLA to 273 thousand square meters and further increase its market share in Santa Catarina. Balneário Shopping, a mall in Balneário Camboriú, is at 100% occupancy rate and has already had its expansion permit issued to reach 58 thousand square meters of GLA. Neumarkt Shopping in Blumenau, with 99% occupancy, also has its expansion project concluded and the other four malls will be expanded in sequence.

In November 2021, the group obtained its registration as a publicly traded company by Real Estate Securities Commission (CVM – Comissão de Valores Imobiliários), an important milestone for Almeida Junior. “We are confident and without haste, observing the market, analyzing opportunities, and waiting for the best moment to make our IPO,” says the CEO.