Almeida Junior bets on technology to connect with consumers

The retail landscape has changed in recent years and the increased use of mobile devices has led companies to enhance their services and interact more with consumers. The multichannel format for customer relations has evolved into omnichannel, which integrates an online and offline presence.


Keeping an eye on this retail movement, Almeida Junior has been investing in initiatives that involve new technologies within its Innovation and Experimentation Center, AJ.LABS. The first of these was the SHOPPromo platform, which works in the Almeida Junior APP and features a series of promotions from the six network’s malls in the app. The customer reserves the desired product in the mobile phone and finalizes the purchase in the physical store. That is, interaction begins online and is effected offline, resulting in greater consumer experience in malls and expanding sales possibilities for retailers.


Another project that involves technology is the result of a partnership with a company in the Silicon Valley region that specializes in social network analysis. Through the solution we can check the online behavior of customers inside malls. Through strategic data analysis, personalized customer engagement is possible, based on their behavior in the online environment, thus unleashing a unique customer experience and generating business intelligence. In addition to data from social networks, you can also cross-check information from other sources, such as the mall heat map that helps guide activation actions.



Almeida Junior has also been investing in interaction with Florianópolis’ powerful innovation ecosystem to bring new solutions involving technologies. The company is a sponsor of Vertical Varejo of ACATE (Santa Catarina Technology Association), which is attended by 25 companies that develop retail solutions and has already selected three of them in their first pitch to test their solutions. Most of the companies that make up Vertical are startups, which makes them more agile and disruptive in the innovation process. The leadership of this process of approximation between retail and technology has been led by Almeida Junior in order to always bring innovation to the market.