Almeida Junior malls recycle more than 50 tons per month

An inherent concern of Almeida Junior is to provide a more sustainable experience for the next generations. In addition to several actions that are already being carried out – such as the installation of electric car chargers, the replacement of LED mercury lamps, the capture of rainwater and the disposal of wastebaskets in the toilets – the correct disposal of waste is one of the most important.


The six businesses in the chain have trash bins scattered throughout the mall and especially in the food court to receive their waste – whether organic, paper, metal, plastic, glass or cooking oil used in restaurants. About 44.8 tons of cardboard and paper, nearly three tons of plastics, another 715 kilos of metal items and about 6,081 kilos of vegetable oil are collected and separated per month. Organic waste is removed by a specialized composting company.




How it’s done

  • The shopkeepers themselves already contribute by pre-separating the materials.
  • Then, in the food court, where there are the plates and cutlery collection islands, the waste is also separated.
  • These materials are taken to a recycling center where they are sorted and pressed for transport.
  • Vegetable oil is packaged in plastic bottles and removed by a recycling company.
  • All of these materials have a destination certificate to be well received at processing companies.
  • In addition to common waste, construction waste is also collected in specific shipping containers and sent to certified landfills.

Closeup portrait woman hand throwing crumpled paper in recycling bin.