Santa Catarina has five cities in the Smart Cities ranking

Santa Catarina is featured in the Connected Smart Cities Ranking, which indicates the most intelligent and connected Brazilian cities. Of the 20 listed by Urban Systems consultancy, five are from Santa Catarina: Florianópolis, Blumenau, Joinville, Balneário Camboriú, and Itajaí. Not surprisingly, in four of them, Almeida Junior invested in shopping malls, contributing significantly to economic and social development by generating employment, improving the region’s infrastructure, and generating wealth for the municipality. The report analyzes indicators of cities such as mobility, security, urbanism, environment, technology, and innovation. The five cities of Santa Catarina have excellent rates in several of the analyzed criteria.

shoppings almeida junior

The report maps the cities with the greatest potential for development in Brazil through indicators that represent intelligence, connection, and sustainability. Overall, 70 indicators are evaluated, separated into 11 topics: mobility and accessibility, environment, urbanism, technology, health, security, education, entrepreneurship, energy, governance, and economy. Check out the top 20:

  1. Campinas (SP)
    2.São Paulo (SP)
    3. Curitiba (PR)
    4. Brasilia (DF)
    5. São Caetano do Sul (SP)
    6. Santos (SP)
    7. Florianópolis (SC)
    8. Vitória (ES)
    9. Blumenau (SC)
    10. Jundiaí (SP)
    11. Campo Grande (MS)
    12. Niterói (RJ)
    13. Belo Horizonte (MG)
    14. Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
    15. Joinville (SC)
    16. Itajaí (SC)
    17. Balneário Camboriú (SC)
    18. São Bernardo do Campo (SP)
    19. Palmas (TO)
    20. Porto Alegre (RS)

*With information from Época Negócios