Almeida Junior is bronze in the Abrasce Awards with autism awareness actions

The project covers the training of shopping mall employees and the opening of exclusive parking spot availability for persons with autism spectrum


With innovative actions on raising autism awareness, Almeida Junior was one of the winners in the 2022 Abrasce Awards from the Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers, in the People Management category, being awarded the bronze medal, with a record of registrations and 285 cases evaluated by experts. The winners were announced on this Wednesday’s (22) evening, in São Paulo, at the closing ceremony of the sector’s largest event.

Starting from the goal of enabling better inclusion and reception for people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), Almeida Junior has developed a project covering a number of actions, such as training front line employees in the company’s six shopping malls to support ASD individuals, and the availability of exclusive parking spots for these people, a pioneering initiative in Santa Catarina.

All the results from this initiative were presented in the case “Almeida Junior group: SC pioneer in supporting and approaching individuals with autism”, now acknowledged by Abrasce. “We are touched by the fact that social environments must be accessible, inclusive and supportive for ASD individuals, and we embrace this cause by transforming something that has happened in one of our malls into a project of great importance, impact and awareness for the society. Always in accordance with our goal of positively changing people’s lives”, stresses Monique Campos, Marketing and Relations Head at Almeida Junior.

“This was another cause that the company embraced and knows how important it is. For the first time in the state, the first action was the development of a training and qualification program for supporting and approaching ASD individuals, replicated for all employees in the group’s six shopping malls”, highlights Beth Rachelle, People and Management Head at Almeida Junior.

The training was carried out in a partnership with AMA (Autism Parents and Friends Association), from Blumenau, and with the Santa Catarina Military Police (PMSC). Guidance on the autism spectrum, auditive and visual conflicts within a shopping center, correct methods of supporting and approaching ASD individuals, and also an explanation on laws and rights towards people with autism was given to the employees. The training became part of Almeida Junior’s schedule and is given every six months to employees.

Periodically, the Almeida Junior shopping centers also promote the Blue Session, an inclusive and exclusive cinema session for people with autism. Some things make all the difference: the room’s volume is decreased and 50% of the lights remain on and people are allowed to enter and exit the room at any time.


Project Origin

It started with an episode that took place in the premises of the Neumarkt Shopping in Blumenau, where the opportunity of transforming it into a positive initiative in the company came. In August 2021, an ASD child sat in a leased fire-truck-like toy car. The store clerk asked the family the child’s weight – who at the time weighed 30 kilograms – and then informed that he wouldn’t be able to ride the toy car due to weight requirements of 28 kilograms maximum. The father explained that the child was autistic and that it would be tough to remove him from the toy car right away, but the clerk didn’t know how to handle this situation, which was enough to trigger discontent in the family.  After this episode, and touched by not only the child’s situation but also by empathetically putting ourselves in the shoes of all individuals within the autism spectrum, the shopping mall promptly scheduled a planning meeting to develop actions towards this cause. The board understood that such actions should be carried out in all of Almeida Junior’s shopping centers.

Almeida Junior breaks sales records in April and May

The company’s six shopping malls grew 32.8% over the same period last year and 37% compared to the pre-pandemic period


2022 continues at a growth pace for Almeida Junior’s six shopping malls. The company broke sales records in April and May. The preliminary Operational Performance, which has just been released with preliminary data, shows an increase of 32.8% compared to the same months last year and 37% compared to April and May 2019, the pre-pandemic period.

For the five-month cumulative 2022, retailer sales at Almeida Junior’s shopping malls achieved 37.5% growth over the same period in 2021 and 24.8% over pre-pandemic 2019 levels. The good pace continues in June. In the first half of the month, considering only retailers sales that have already reported results for the period, a 21.3% gain was recorded compared to 2021 and 35.1% compared to 2019.

“The good result was verified in all six shopping malls of the Almeida Junior Group. We have an extremely positive feeling about the continuity of this sales growth for the coming quarters, which is driven by the continued qualification of the store mix, by the resumption of events in the malls, and by the increased attractiveness to qualified consumers,” says the company’s CEO, Jaimes Almeida Junior.

Sector-specific indicators also reflect the good momentum. The SSS (same store sales) for April and May this year showed a gain of 26.7% over 2021 and 33.2% over 2019. And the SSR (same store rentals) of 24.1% over last year and 41.8% over 2019.

Even with the passing on of inflation and rent increases, Almeida Junior’s portfolio of shopping malls demonstrated resilience and has a competitive occupancy cost for retailers, closing the months of April and May at 9.6%. “This indicator is directly driven by the constant search for efficient management processes,” adds Jaimes. The net default rate over total rental income closed the months of April and May at -0.1%, the lowest rate in recent years.

World Environment Day: Almeida Junior reaches BRL 43.7 million in energy savings with sustainability actions

The six shopping malls of the group adopt measures to reduce energy and water consumption, for garbage recycling and plants recovery

The Almeida Junior group has sustainability actions as premises. In 2004, Neumarkt Shopping, in Blumenau, was the first to buy energy at auction, which represented lower consumption in the following year. Between 2016 and 2019, all six units of the group adhered to the use of LED light bulbs and also entered the free energy market. The result: in 2022 the group reached the mark of BRL 43.7 million in energy savings. There were BRL 37.7 million savings in the free energy market contracts and BRL 6 million with the use of LED lamps. The release of the balance takes place now in view of the proximity of the world environment day, celebrated this Sunday, June 5th.

The separation and recycling of waste produced in the network’s six shopping malls and rainwater harvesting are other examples of concrete sustainability actions at Almeida Junior. “The environmental issues are much more than a trend, than measures for the economy, it is a reality in our routine, it is a pillar of the company that, increasingly, is guided by the implementation of ESG rules (acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance practices),” says CEO Jaimes Almeida Junior.

The use of sustainable technologies, the adoption of practices that encourage the improvement of the environment and quality of life are present in all six shopping malls: Neumarkt and Norte Shopping (Blumenau), Balneário Shopping (Balneário Camboriú), Garten Shopping (Joinville), Continente Shopping (Greater Florianópolis) and Nações Shopping (Criciúma). “Almeida Junior included effective ESG actions in its business plan. And it will continue to increase its commitment to the practices, as it believes that it has a strong active role in building a better future for the next generations”, adds the CEO.

Attentive to market trends, Almeida Junior has been operating in the free energy market for a long time. Based on short, medium and long-term energy consumption planning, a partnership is signed with traders to mediate with distributors, through bilateral contracts, with individually negotiated amounts, as well as contracted terms and volumes. Also in the energy area, all shopping malls have already replaced their metallic vapor and fluorescent lamps with LED models, which are more economical and less polluting. And the ceilings have skylights to facilitate the delivery of natural lighting and reduce energy consumption.

Almeida Junior also had electric car chargers a few years ago, through a partnership with BMW. In 2021, the company signed a new partnership, this time with Porsche Brazil, and installed new charging stations for electric vehicles to increase the state’s electric transmission corridor. Today, the six shopping malls add up to a total of 17 stations available. Free of charge, visitors can recharge their cars restfully, while enjoying the services offered by the company’s shopping malls, such as a food court, the movies and stores.

Waste Recycling and Water Saving

Each month, in the network’s six shopping malls, around 44.8 tons of cardboard and paper, nearly three tons of plastics and another 715 kilograms of metallic items are collected and sorted. Organic waste is removed by a specialized company that composts it.

In different units of the network, rainwater is also collected, directed to a cistern that feeds the bathrooms and supplies water for use in the gardens and for cleaning and also in the air conditioning system. And artesian aquifer is used to supply approximately 70% of the water need. And all units have smart faucets in the bathrooms, with sensors that release water only when the hands are under the faucet, which generates 60% savings compared to common equipment.

Almeida Junior shopping malls also have nurseries for replanting the plants that decorate the six units. Together, the nurseries of the six units total 400 square meters of area where ferns, lilies, orchids, aglaonemas, among other species are treated. In this way, they receive all the due care to return to their vivacity and natural beauty.

About Almeida Junior

The company was founded by entrepreneur Jaimes Almeida Junior and today is the largest company in the shopping malls segment in the South of the country. With six shopping malls in Santa Catarina, totaling 225 thousand square meters of GLA (Gross Leasable Area) and more than 1,500 stores, Almeida Junior has 71% market share in the state.