Santa Catarina inhabitants will spend over BRL 196 billion by the year-end

Santa Catarina’s economy has always exceeded the national average: of the state’s population, 35% are grouped in classes A and B, 55% are found in class C and another 10% form class D. And this year it is expected that consumers will spend in excess of BRL 196 billion before this year is over. All of this information forms part of the ‘Consumer X-Ray’ survey commissioned by RICTV and performed by Locomotiva Instituto de Pesquisa. These figures were disclosed this morning (July 31) in the Continente Shopping’s motion picture theater.


Despite the positive data, 98% of the state’s inhabitants believe that they were affected by the financial crisis. Nonetheless, 63% estimate that the country’s business atmosphere will improve over the coming 12 months. A striking aspect that should be considered by retailers is that the traditional family consisting of a couple with children, is no longer the rule in Santa Catarina: 22% are “other types of family”.


A positive aspect is that 81% of persons have Internet access. On the other hand, 40% of the state’s population has not concluded higher education and only 1/3 has traveled outside of Brazil. The survey also discloses that women will be behind a considerable portion of the state’s business: estimates have it that BRL 69.2 billion are created by female activity. Another point included in the survey is that two million persons above 50 years of age belong to classes A and B, and they should spend almost BRL 72 billion by late 2019.


Putting into practice

According to José Leal, the event’s host and superintendent of Continente Shopping, consumers will be the survey’s major beneficiaries. “Everything we do based on the survey will be reflected in actions aimed at better meeting our customers’ needs. This is the chief foreseeable impact following this major effort,” he asserted.


Katy Bairros, manager of the Altenburg retailer, stressed the data’s surprising aspects. “On becoming aware that a great deal of local inhabitants are intent on acquiring household goods, we are able to plan retail targets and encourage our teams. We no longer comment on crises but on prosperity,” she asserted. In her opinion, the data created will serve to train the entire team and will be shared with the store’s network.