Nações Shopping will receive the first C&A store in southern Santa Catarina

The arrival of new operations in Almeida Junior’s malls demonstrates the chain’s strength in this moment of economical resumption. C&A is the next important operation to open a store at Nações Shopping, being the first in the south of the state of Santa Catarina. The store opens in November and will occupy an area of ​​1,400 m². It will bring the new concept of the chain, with cleaner and more intuitive environments and a new distribution of areas, aligned to each category of C&A products (female, male and child).

Since 2016, the company has been revitalizing its units based on the concept called CVP (Customer Value Proposition). C&A developed this concept in cooperation with more than 2 thousand customers from all regions of the country. Today, more than 150 of the approximately 290 stores have already been renovated.

The diversity and authenticity of the C&A brand will soon be available to residents of Criciúma and municipalities in the region. Customers will find a wide variety of clothing, shoes and accessories, from basic items to products with fashion information and customer profile.

“We understand that the arrival of C&A in the south of Santa Catarina, at this moment of resumption, demonstrates the strength of one of the largest retail stores in the world. A store chain which believed in the region, and arrives in the second semester at Nações Shopping. “It is a brand that is considered broad in the shopping center market due to its size, relevance and ability to attract audiences. And it’s a brand which could not fail to choose the appropriate equipment and location for its installation”, comments the Marketing Manager at Nações Shopping, Julio Cesar Geesdorf.