arvore dos sonhos shoppings 1

Social: trees of dreams in shopping malls will benefit more than 800 children and adults

The Christmas spirit awakes even more the feelings of solidarity and compassion amongst people. It’s no different in Almeida Junior shopping malls. The six enterprises are prepared for the most awaited time of the year, which motivates and causes reflection upon actions made during the past months. Therefore, in another end of the year, the Trees of Dreams will comprise the Christmas decoration of the Neumarkt, North, Balneário, Garten, Continente and Nações shopping malls and even benefit more than 800 children and adults that belong to 18 different institutions.

arvore dos sonhos shoppings

In each unit, the tree will have cards instead of the traditional dangling decoration. The name, the age of the child or adult and the institution of which they belong to are the data that will be printed on the cards. In order that the client may be a part of this movement that will bring a little love to everyone, it’s enough to pick up one card of the tree, buy the present and deliver it on the shopping’s concierge. The marketing teams of the enterprises will be in charge of delivering all presents – along with Santa Claus – to bring joy to the participants.


Check out below the units that will be benefitted:


Neumarkt Shopping Mall

CEI Professor Adelio Carline (Professor Adelio Carline Educational Center for Children)

CEI Marita Deek Sasse (Marita Deek Sasse Educational Center for Children)


Norte Shopping Mall

Associação Assistencial Lar Betânia (Betânia Shelter Aid Association)

Associação Criança em Primeiro Lugar (Children in First Place Association)


Garten Shopping Mall

Casa do Adalto (Adalto’s House Association)

Associação Joinvilense para Integração dos Deficientes Visuais (Joinville Association for the Integration of the Visually Impaired)

Ecos da Esperança (Echoes of Hope Shelter)

Renascer (Renascer Shelter)

Lar Emanuel (Emanuel Shelter)

Abdon Batista (Abdon Batista Shelter)

Associação Diocesana de Promoção Social (Diocesan Association for Social Promotion)


Nações Shopping Mall

Casa e Bairro da Juventude (Youth’s Shelter and District)


Continente Shopping Mall

Projeto Dorcas (Dorcas Project)

Centro de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos unidade Monte Cristo (Center for Sociability and Strenghtening of Bonds, Monte Cristo Unit)


Balneário Shopping Mall

Associação de Apoio às Famílias de Deficientes (Association for the Support of the Families of the Impaired)

Associação de Pais e Amigos do Autista (Association of Parents and Friends of the Autist)

Associação Amor para Down (Love for Down Association)

Programa de Acolhimento e Inclusão Social (Program for Sheltering and Social Inclusion)

Associação Lar Maternal Bom Pastor (Bom Pastor Maternal Shelter Association)

Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Association of Parents and Friends of the Impaired)