WhatsApp Image 2020 10 07 at 09.20.01 1

Preçolândia expands in Santa Catarina through Almeida Junior shopping malls

After opening the first store in Santa Catarina at Continente Shopping, Preçolândia, a São Paulo chain of home appliances, opens this week two more stores in the chain’s malls. On October 8, the unit will be opened at Nações Shopping, in Criciúma, and on the 10th, it will be the turn of Neumarkt Shopping, in Blumenau, to receive a brand store.


The stores have 700m² and bring more than 10,000 products, including kitchen, table, decoration, bed, bath and table items, in addition to appliances. Preçolandia was a pioneer in the market in the implementation of weddings and teas gift lists and this service remains one of the company’s flagships.


The chain has 45 other stores across the country and has operated in the retail segment for 42 years. The chain’s expansion started in the Northeast two years ago. Currently, Preçolandia is already present in 10 states.