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Almeida Junior receives the Prêmio Empresa Cidadã (Citizen Company Award) 2020 from ADVB/SC

The group delivered 12 devices to hospitals in cities where there are malls

In addition to helping save lives in cities where there are malls, the action of the Almeida Junior group to donate 12 mechanical respirators to hospitals in Santa Catarina was recognized by ADVB/SC. The recognition took place at the Citizen Company Award ceremony this Thursday, November 26, in a hybrid event  The award has been closed only to award winners and guests, and the public can follow it online, through live streaming on ADVB/SC platforms.

The Empresa Cidadã Award honors and awards Santa Catarina companies that make social responsibility their best example, product and result. Besides strengthening private social investment, the award is a tool for transformation and state development.

Almeida Junior’s contribution to fighting the coronavirus pandemic received honorable mention. In September, 12 respirators, imported directly from Germany, models Dräger Savina 300 were donated to hospitals in the Metropolitan Region of Florianópolis – one to Hospital Regional de São José and one to the Instituto de Cardiologia de Santa Catarina; in Joinville – one respirator to the Hospital São José and one to the Hospital Hans Dieter Schmidt; in Blumenau – one respirator for the Hospital Santa Isabel, one for the Hospital Santa Catarina, one for the Hospital Santo Antônio and one for the Hospital Municipal Misericórdia; in Balneário Camboriú – two for the Hospital Municipal Ruth Cardoso; and in Criciúma – one for Hospital São José and one for the Unimed Criciúma.

The choice of hospitals that received the respirators was made together with the mayors and public authorities of each city where the Almeida Junior enterprises are located.

Additionally developing strict care and safety protocols inherent to the Covid-19 pandemic period, the action has collaborated decisively for the communities in the regions where its enterprises are located.

In the photo, Almeida Junior’s CAO, Marcelo Monteiro, receives the  the Company Citizen Award.