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Carried out by LIDE SC, the award seeks to highlight companies in Santa Catarina


Almeida Junior, the largest shopping mall chain in the south of the country, is the winner of the 2021 Leaders of Brazil Award in Santa Catarina in the category Highlight Digital Transformation Award for the AJPlace case. Held by LIDE SC, the event took place on Wednesday night (24/11), in a face-to-face ceremony. The award seeks to highlight companies and entrepreneurs that faced and overcame the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. AJPlace is the first corporate marketplace for shopping centers in the south of the country. Currently, it gathers products from stores in the six shopping malls in Santa Catarina in the online environment, as well as products from other national and international brands that are not yet present in Almeida Junior malls and in the State. Altogether, there are more than 800 brands gathered on the platform and available for consumers to buy online.


For the president of LIDE SC, the award seeks to enshrine the resilience of entrepreneurs and, above all, bring optimism for the resumption of various sectors: “The great symbolism of the award was the engagement of the main leaders of Santa Catarina for the recovery of the economy in 2022”, comments Delton Batista, president of the entity.


The LIDE SC award brought together the main managers of the State with the aim of integrating companies, organizations and private entities, through debate programs, business forums and content activities.